Thursday, February 28, 2008

Complete and utter randomness

In an effort to post something other than youtube videos, here are a few random moments of fun from my week:

I got into the training program I’d applied for which will eventually allow me to travel for work. I will be rollin into a city near you to shut yo bank down. Yeah, yeah! Read about it in this article on

Spending half of my Pilates class discussing the Alvin Ailey performance with my super cool Aerobix Inc teacher. She is obsessed too. I think the rest of the class was wishing we’d shut it.

Dreaming about guitar hero and seriously thinking of buying some type of game console to play it on. But then discovering that those things are freakin expensive!

Finding out from Rachel that Glen and Marketa (of Once fame) will be doing a show in Baltimore in May. If she emails me next week to tell me Band of Horses is coming to town I might just flip out.

Wishing my sister a happy birthday on the blog, although I did remember to call her this morning. Happy Birthday, sister freak!

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