Last weekend I went with a friend to the Ansel Adams exhibit at the Corcoran. Kinda liked it. He really has some great photos, but of course my thought through most of the exhibit was “how many not so great pics did he have to take to get this one good one?” cause you know I always stay on the happy side of life. Anyway, looking at Ansel’s photos got me thinking about how I like to take pictures and I seem to remember a few decent pics coming out of my very professional/high tech/the envy of any good photographer, Canon Powershot. So I thought I’d post a few of my favorites for you all to enjoy. Let me know which ones you like the best!
I named this one “Typical Thanh.” This is a pic of Thanh at the Gorges du Verdon on our European road trip in 2005. I have never abruptly pulled over so many times during a road trip in my life! I only kicked the back of Thanh's seat about 18 times, but in the end, we sure did get some great pics!

I call this one "YS Falls, Jamaica." No clever name here. It's just super pretty, ands lush and I love JA!
Let's call this one “Cow Lick.” This is a beautiful cow that became Liz’s friend when we went out cow feeding on our trip to Montana. The sad thing is that this cow is quite possibly no longer with us since the ranch we visited ships their cows off to the slaughter house so we can all enjoy burgers at Five Guys. Thanks cow!
I call this "Foreshadow." Two escorts that look eerily like mine and Liz's side by side in a used car lot in Florida. It's like God was telling us "It's time to sell your cars. And I love you." And we both did. And He does.
Horses always make for a great pic. Just ask the Pioneer Woman! I can't think of a good name for this one and I don't feel like waiting any longer to publish this post.

This one is called "What every young Christian girl needs to know."
Rachel knows what's up! Look pretty (a white bow in the hair is a nice touch) and keep your man fed and you'll be set for life.
We'll call this "Farm Family” This is the Dad, bro, and sis working on the farm. My favorite part of this pic is how the fam is framed by the tree and the shed and I love the tractor wheel peakin out from behind. Good pics are easy to come by when you’re out on the farm.

I call this one “David’s Arse.” I’
ve been spending too much time with
Britney lately so I’
ve picked up the British accent. I’
ve determined that some amount of nakedness is required in every artist’s/photographer’s portfolio so here is my stab at it. Not sure what I was thinking when I took this pic, but I’m proud to say that I think I have an eye for a good rear end when I see one. I hope my mom never reads this blog.
"Me on Tractor." Bet you didn't know this was me sitting behind the wheel of the tractor. Haha. The title is the key to this photo. Deep stuff.
"Are you my Mother?" This is the
Geico Gecko in front of Balanced Rock at
Arches National Park in Utah. The resemblance between the man-made
bobblehead and God-made
bobblehead is uncanny!
I call this "Save the Outhouse (phase II)." Like the use of the Roman numeral? Another farm pic. This is definitely one of my favorites. I love the corn in the background, the sky, the work that’s taking place. This is from our family work on the farm weekend that may or may not have had something to do with an outhouse, hence the title.
“Where’s Lance?” He was in the pack somewhere. I like this pic because the viewer has no idea how fast the bikers are really going. I almost lost a couple of toes when the zoomed by! This is from the Tour de France in 2005. Notice the angle I got on those biker dudes. Yeah, my favorite side. I need to stop talking.

Let's call this “Switzerland, God loves you!” because he made you look like this. Another moment where Thanh pulled us over on some windy road and we came away with this.

And finally, I call this “What’s Up, George?” because George is up there and I’m down here. This is George’s face on Mt Rushmore taken from underneath a rock on the trail that goes around the monument.

That's it! Hope you had fun!